We are all about maximizing the quality and quantity of information available to families, teachers, administrators, local officials, and the general public in Moore County, NC as to the many options and offerings available for parents to make the best and most informed decisions possible regarding their children's education.
What the Expo is all about
Our Mission
Our mission is to inform parents, students, educators, and the public of the many options and offerings available to educate our students in Moore County, NC.
Our Vision
We seek to expand the quantity and increase the quality of K-12+ education options for families in Moore County, NC.
How we do it
Right now, we hold an annual Moore County School Choice Expo to highlight the many options available to parents & students in Moore County, NC. We intend to expand the website to be a conduit for all kinds of information to assist our stakeholders in understanding those options and institutions.
Who are our stakeholders? You are.
Namely, we serve families (parents/guardians + students), concerned citizens, administrators, elected and appointed officials, and the general public. We all have a stake in the outcomes of our next generations' formal and informal education experiences.
Want to ask us a question about the upcoming annual School Choice Expo? Or share a tip with us! Or just tell us how we're doing! (thanks in advance)